
Description about attendance regularization report generation process


This page provides the steps for generating different attendance regularization reports such as:

  • My Report

  • My Team’s Report


Note - Kindly contact your Admin/ HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.

Steps for 'My Report'

How to generate your own attendance regularization report:

Step 1: Select ‘Leave’ and then ‘My Report’ from the left side menu.

Step 2: Select ‘Attendance Regularization’ tab at the top. In some cases, depending on your screen resolution, it might be under the ‘More’ menu at the end of the tabs section.

Step 3: Your previous attendance regularization requests in the current year are displayed here.

Step 4: For generating the report, select the relevant filters at the top and then, select the ‘Search’ button to find the status of attendance regularization requests for a specific period.

Step 5: Once you find the relevant details, select the ‘Download Excel’ button to download the report in ‘.xls’ format to your device.

Steps for ‘My Team’s Report’

How to generate your team’s attendance regularization report:

Step 1: Select ‘Leave’ and then ‘My Team Report’ from the left side menu.

Step 2: Select ‘Attendance Regularization’ tab at the top. In some cases, depending on your screen resolution, it might be under the ‘More’ menu at the end of the tabs section.

Step 3: Search for the employee’s name, the type of regularization as well as the period for which you need to generate the report. Once selected, select the ‘Search’ button.

Note: If you are unable to generate attendance regularization reports, kindly contact us at

Last updated