
This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to the 'Organization' tab in the settings menu

1. How to delete the cloud credentials of a former employee?

Step 1: If you want to delete admin credentials for someone log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Users’ subtab.

Step 2: Find the user for whom you want to delete the credentials. You can click on the ‘Delete Icon’ to delete the user credentials. You can also click on the ‘Disable User’ button to disable the user.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

2. How to send birthday and anniversary wishes to employees?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, and click on the ‘Settings’ menu. Click on the ‘Organization’ tab followed by the ‘Notification’ subtab. Enable the ‘Birthday Alert’ and ‘Anniversary Alert’ option and click on the ‘Save’ button.

Once the option has been enabled an email will be sent to the employee on their personal email ID for respective wishes.

Step 2: If you want to send the same email to the rest of your employees to notify them about their colleague’s special day, then you can add a group email ID. For that click on the ‘Setting’ icon towards the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: A pop-up will open where you can add group email in the respective fields. Click on the ‘Save’ button and the birthday & anniversary emails will be sent to your employees accordingly.

Step 4: Pocket HRMS offers standard templates, to view those go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘HR’ tab click on the ‘HR letter’ subtab.

Step 5: You can also create a new email template by clicking on the ‘+’ icon.

Note: If you create a new email template for a birthday or anniversary wishes, you need to follow the mandatory format. For the respective templates mandatory ‘name formats’ are as given below, ensure to save the template names accordingly.


  2. For Birthday Alert - BDAYTEMPLATE_2

  3. For Wedding Anniversary - WORKANNIVERSARYTEMPLATE_007

If you follow the above steps and save the templates in the given format, the new email templates will be created accordingly.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

3. How to add a new company?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and go to the ‘Settings’ menu. Under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Company Profile’ and click on the ‘+’ button towards the upper left-hand side of the screen.

Step 2: A ‘Company Details’ pop-up will open, fill in the required details such as name, address, state, city, pin code, and telephone. You also need to fill in the ‘Self Service Company Code’ and click on the ‘Create Company’ button. A new company will be created in the Pocket HRMS.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

Last updated