
This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to 'Exit' menu in the Cloud portal

1. How to Separate Employees from the System or Make an Employee Inactive?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and select the 'Payroll' menu.

Step 2: Click on the 'Transaction' tab.

Step 3: Select ’Separation’ from the sub-tab as shown below.

Step 4: Search and select the employee that you want to separate.

Step 5: Select the separation type, resignation day, and other details as per your requirement and click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 6: To check the details of separated employees (former employees) who left the company, click on the ‘Left Employees’ button.

Note: You may proceed with the Full and Final Settlement after completing these steps.

2. How to re-join an employee or make inactive employee active again?

The process of activating an inactive employee or separated employee is also known as an employee release.

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Payroll’ menu, click on the ‘Transaction’ submenu and select the ‘Release Employee’ option.

Step 2: On the separation release page you need to select the name of separated employee from the ‘Employee’ field. The system will fetch the information such as type of separation, reason for separation and the separation date.

Step 3: Enter the re-joining date in the ‘Release Date’ field and click on the ‘Release’ button and the employee will be re-joined.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

Last updated