Pocket HRMS Payroll Process

Payroll process in Pocket HRMS

Processing Payroll for Employees

If there is any new Joinee in your organization or for all employees, you need to add below the details in Pocket HRMS which is required for the payroll process.

  • Employee Code

  • Name

  • Last Name

  • Gender

  • Category

  • Prof.Tax Location

  • Date of Birth

  • Date of Joining

  • ESI Location

  • Metro / Non-Metro

  • ESI Dispensary

  • Earning Details: Here you may to enter FIXED BASIC, FIXED CONVEYANCE, FIXED HRA and FIXED MEDICAL etc. as per your salary structure.

  • Please find the below path for updating the above details in the system.

    • Login to Pocket HRMS and Go to Employee > Employee > Employee List > click on employee name > Go to Profile and Salary.

After that we need to save the monthly input details of those employees you want to process the payroll and this is a mandatory process before the payroll process for the respective month, Otherwise system will not allow us to process the payroll.

  • Path : Payroll > Transaction > Monthly Input

  • Path : Payroll > Import > Monthly Input

You may follow the below steps :

  • Go to Payroll > Transaction > Monthly Input

  • Select the Category as “General”

  • Month as “November” (example)

  • Click on View / Edit

  • Here you need may enter the details like LOP Days, Over Time Amount, Other Earning, Advance etc.

  • Click on Save

  • NOTE: In any month if there is no data to be entered in the Monthly Inputs option then also you need to open this page and need to Save the same.

Payroll Process: Now we have completed the monthly inputs and ready for Payroll Generation. You may follow the below steps:

  • Go to Payroll > Utilities > Payroll Process

  • Select the Applicable Month and year

  • Select the Month and Year, then there are three options for Payroll Processing

    • Single Employee – Select this option if you wish to process the Payroll of a particular employee

    • Selective Employees – This option is applicable if you have multiple Categories. You will be able to process the Payroll Category wise.

    • All Employees – If you wish to process the Payroll of all employees then select this option.

You may process the payroll employee-wise as well from the below path:

  • Employee > Employee > Employee List > Click on Employee Name > select Payroll > Payroll Process

  • Employee > Employee > Employee List > Select all employee > Select option and select payroll process


✔️ Admin credentials

✔️User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/ HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.

How to process payroll?

Pocket HRMS also allows you to perform payroll for selective employees like any category or all employees in one click. Explained below are the steps involved in payroll processing.

Step 1: Go to 'Payroll'

Step 2: Follow: 'Utilities' > 'Payroll Process'. The payroll processing window appears as below.

Here you can select a group of employees, you want to pay, a single employee, or all employees by selecting the respective option as shown in the screenshot below.

Select month and year you want to perform payroll for. After, selecting all the required options, click on 'Process'.

Note: If you are unable to process payroll, kindly contact us at support@pockethrms.com

Last updated