This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to employee import
Last updated
This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to employee import
Last updated
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Employee Template’ dropdown, select ‘Employee Amendment Import’ option.
Step 3: You need to download ‘Sample Employee Master Import’ from the upper right-hand side of the screen to prepare your Excel sheet for the upload accordingly.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Employee Master’ from the right-hand side of the screen Scroll down the ‘Employee Master’ section to select ‘ITAX Regime Type’ option.
Once you select the ‘ITAX Regime Type’ option it will be visible in the Component section.
Step 4: Fill in the required fields, upload Excel sheet in the ‘Import Template’ section and map the components according to the Excel sheet. Click on the ‘Save Settings’ button and the income tax regime for the employee will be changed.
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Create an Excel file with new employee details to import it into Pocket HRMS. The following are the mandatory fields for New Employee creation:
A. Employee Code
B. First Name
C. Last Name
D. Gender
E. Category
F. Prof. Tax Location
G. Date of Birth
H. Date of Joining
I. ESI Location
J. Metro / Non-Metro (TDS)
K. ESI Dispensary
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and click on the 'Employee' menu and select the ‘Import’ sub-menu.
Step 2: Select the ‘Employee Master Import’ under the drop-down menu titled ‘Select Import Template’.
Step 3: Select the ‘Category’ as shown below.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Employee Master’ tree from the upper right-hand corner and select the fields you want to add.
Step 5: Map the field name to the corresponding column in the Excel file.
Step 6: Click on the ‘Add New’ button and enter the ‘Setting Name’ and then click on the ‘Add’ button to accept the settings.
You may click on the ‘Save Settings’ button towards the bottom of the page to save the settings as a template for future usage.
Step 7: Upload the file in the ‘Import Templates’ field and enter the ‘Starting-Ending Row’ values.
Step 8: Enter the necessary details in respective fields and click on the ‘Upload File’ button to upload the file.
All the text columns in the Excel sheet should be formatted to the right data type for a smooth import process.
You may download the sample import file from the link shown below to format the Excel file accordingly.
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Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and click on the 'Employee' menu and select the ‘Import’ sub-menu.
Step 2: Select the ‘Approval Matrix Manager Import’ under the drop-down menu titled ‘Select Import Template’.
Step 3: Select the ‘Category’ as shown below.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Add New’ button and enter the ‘Setting Name’ and then click on the ‘Add’ button.
Step 5: Select 'Starting-Ending Rows' to define the data range to be imported from the Excel sheet.
Step 6: On the left side of the screen, you can Map the Component name to the corresponding column in the Excel sheet and click on the ‘Save Setting’ button.
Step 7: Click on the ‘Import Templates’ section to upload the file.
Note: The file has to be in the .xlsx format to be uploaded.
Step 8: Select the ‘Starting-Ending Row’ from which data has to be uploaded and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
Note: You may download the sample import file from the link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to format your Excel file accordingly.
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Step 1: Select the ‘Employee’ tab and select the ‘ Import’ Subtab.
Step 2: You can download ‘Sample Excel File’ from the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Step 3: Select ‘Employee Master Import’ from the dropdown for the ‘Select Import Template’ on the upper left corner of the page.
Step 4: Select ‘Category’ from the drop-down menu.
Step 5: Setting allows you to save fixed settings that you can utilize in the future.
For example: to create a new ‘Staff’ setting,
Click on the ‘Add New’ button, enter the setting name as ‘Staff’, and click on the ‘Add’ button.
Step 6: Upload your Excel file in .xlsx format and fill out the details according to the uploaded excel file.
• Starting – Ending Row: Enter the row numbers where the actual data begins and ends, respectively.
• Sheet Name – this is the name of the sheet with the employee data.
• Employee Code and Employee Name – Enter the columns in the Excel sheet containing Employee code and Employee Name.
• Allow Duplicate fields – Checking any allow duplicate field will allow duplication of the respective data while importing.
Note: if the fields are unchecked, you can download a detailed error report if there is any duplication in the database.
Step 7: Similarly, we will fill out the remaining fields by referring to the sample excel file. This powerful
the tool will let you import any level of detailed employee information.
•’ Delete’ any data component, easily.
• ‘Add’ any data component by selecting from the list on the left side.
Step 8: Click on ‘Save Settings’, and you will get a notification indicating that the settings are being saved successfully.
Step 9: Select the Category you wish to add. We will select ‘Staff’ (Category) and ‘Staff’ (Setting Name).
Now the entire settings will be preloaded. Now select Excel File and Sheet name and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
1. On successful upload, you will get a confirmation message, and Pocket HRMS will add the employees in the background while you focus on executing other important HR tasks.
2. If an error occurs, then Pocket HRMS will download an error with details.
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Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Import Template’ drop-down, located at the upper left-hand corner of the screen select the ‘Approval Matrix Manager Import’ option.
Step 3: Download the ‘Sample Approval Matrix Manager Import’ file from the upper right-hand corner of the screen and prepare a file to upload accordingly.
Step 4: Then ‘Select Category’ and the ‘Setting Name’ from the respective fields and upload the file you prepared in the ‘Import Template’ field. The ‘Sheet Name’ will be auto-populated once you upload the file.
Step 5: Enter the values for ‘Starting – Ending Row’ and select the ‘Employee Code Column Name’ in the respective fields. If you select the check box for the ‘Overwrite Previous Manager’ option it will delete all the previous managers present in the system.
Step 6: Map the ‘Component’ to the ‘Excel Column’ in the Excel sheet.
For example, if the ‘Leader Code’ is in column ‘D’ of the Excel sheet, select ‘D’ from the respective drop-down.
Step 7: Click on the ‘Save Settings’ button and then click on the ‘Upload File’ button and the managers will be added in the approval matrix.
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Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Attendance’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu and then select ‘Holiday Upload’ option.
Step 2: Download the ‘Sample Holiday Import’ file from the upper right-hand corner of the leave import page and prepare file for the upload accordingly.
Step 3: ‘Select Settings’ from the respective drop-down. Select ‘Starting - Ending Row’ as well as the ‘From Date’ & ‘To Date’ from the respective fields and upload the file you prepared in the ‘Import Template’ field.
Once you upload the sheet the system will fetch the file name in the ‘Sheet Name’ filed.
Step 4: Map the ‘Section Name’ to the ‘Excel Column’ according to the Excel file.
Step 5: Select checkbox fir the ‘Insert Only’ if required. Click on the ‘Save Settings’ button and then click on the ‘Upload’ button. The Holiday list will be uploaded.
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Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Import Template’ field select the ‘Employee Amendment Import’ option. Download the ‘Sample Employee Amendment Import’ file to prepare the file to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: ‘Select Category’ and the ‘Setting Name’. If you don’t have an existing setting create new settings. To create new settings, click on the ‘Add New’ button, enter ‘Setting Name’ and click on the ‘Add’ Button
Step 4: Enter values for the ‘Starting – Ending Row’, ‘Employee Code Column Name’ and also select the checkboxes for the options as required.
Step 6: Click on the ‘Employee Master’ folder from the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select the ‘Reporting Manager’ field. Map the fields to the column of the excel sheet using the respective dropdown.
Step 7: Click on the ‘Save Settings’ button and settings will be saved accordingly.
Step 8: Upload the file in the ‘Import Templates’ field.
Step 9: The system will fetch the ‘Sheet Name’ automatically. Click on the ‘Upload File’ button. The reporting manager details will be uploaded accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Import> Select Import Template 'Employee Amendment Import>Select Category>Create/Add Setting name>add required details>select fields from Employee Master>map the field with excel column>enter details >Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Template’ dropdown select ‘Approval Matrix Manager Import’ option. Click on the ‘Download Icon’ to download the sample Excel sheet from the upper right-hand corner of the screen and prepare a sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select the details such as Category, Settings Name and fill in Starting-Ending Row, Employee Code Column Name according to the Excel file you prepared to upload.
Step 4: Map the Components to the Excel Column using the respective dropdowns according to the file to be uploaded.
Step 5: Once you fill in all the details, click on the ‘Save Settings’ button and Upload the file in the ‘Import Templates’ field. Click on the ‘Upload File’ button and mangers will be uploaded in bulk.
Note: You need to select the ‘Overwrite Previous Manager’ if you want to delete all the previously added manager and replace it with newly uploaded details.
Path: Cloud Portal > Employee > Import>Select Approval Matrix Manager Import from dropdown > Fill in the details required> Save Settings> Import Template >Upload File.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Import Template’ dropdown, select ‘Employee Amendment Import’ option.
Step 3: You need to download ‘Sample Employee Ammendment Import’ from the upper right-hand side of the screen to prepare your Excel sheet for the upload accordingly.
Step 4: Select Category, Setting Name, Starting-Ending Row and the Employee Code Column Name from the respective fields according to Excel sheet to be uploaded.
Step 5: Click on the Employee Earning, Employee Master and Employee Deduction folder to add respective Component's field options.
Here we click on the ‘Employee Earning’ folder from the right-hand side of the screen, and scroll down to find & select required options. The added options will be visible in the Component section.
Step 6: Map the ‘Components’ to the ‘Excel Column’ according to the Excel sheet you prepared to be upload using the respective dropdowns.
Step 7: Once you select required details, click on the ‘Save Settings’ buttons. Upload the Excel sheet in the ‘Import Template’ field, click on the ‘Upload File’ button and the earning details will be uploaded or employee amendment import will be done accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Sample>Add/Select Setting name>select required details according to file to be uploaded>Employee Earning/Deduction/Master>add the component>map components Excel column>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘Employee Amendment Import’ and download the ‘Sample Employee Amendment Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select Category and Setting Name or Add New setting. Also select Starting-Ending Row and Employee Code Column name according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: From the right side of the screen, click on the ‘Employee Master’ folder.
Step 5: Scroll down to click on the ‘Reporting Manager’ option and it will be added under the 'Component’' section.
Step 6: Map the ‘Component’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 7: One you selected all the required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. Upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Template>Employee Master>add Reporting Manager>fill in required details and map the components according to excel sheet>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu
Step 2: From the ‘Select Import Template’ dropdown, select ‘Employee Amendment Import’ option.
Step 3: You need to download ‘Sample Employee Ammendment Import’ from the upper right-hand side of the screen to prepare your Excel sheet for the upload accordingly.
Step 4: Select Category, Setting Name, Starting-Ending Row and the Employee Code Column Name from the respective fields according to Excel sheet to be uploaded.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Employee Master’ folder from the right-hand side of the screen, and scroll down to find & select ‘UAN NUMBER’ options. It will be visible in the Component section.
Step 6: Map the UAN number ‘Components’ to the ‘Excel Column’ according to the Excel sheet you prepared to be upload using the respective dropdowns.
Step 7: Once you select required details, click on the ‘Save Settings’ buttons. Upload Excel sheet in the ‘Import Template’ field, click on the ‘Upload File’ button and UAN Number details will be uploaded accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Sample>Add/Select Setting name>select required details according to file to be uploaded>Employee Master>add the UAN Number>map components Excel column>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘Employee Amendment Import’ and download the ‘Sample Employee Amendment Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select Category and Setting Name or Add New setting. Also select Starting-Ending Row and Employee Code Column name according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: From the right side of the screen, click on the ‘Employee Master’ folder.
Step 5: Scroll down to click on the ‘Date of Birth’ option and it will be added under the 'Component’ section.
Step 6: Map the Component, ‘Date of Birth’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 7: One you selected all the required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Template>Employee Master>add Date of Birth>fill in required details and map the components according to excel sheet>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: From the ‘Select Import Template’ dropdown, select ‘Employee Amendment Import’ option.
Step 3: You need to download ‘Sample Employee Amendment Import’ from the upper right-hand side of the screen to prepare your Excel sheet for the upload accordingly.
Step 4: Select Category, Setting Name, Starting-Ending Row and the Employee Code Column Name from the respective fields according to Excel sheet to be uploaded.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Employee Earning’ and ‘Employee Deductions’ folder from the right-hand side of the screen, and scroll down to find & select required options. The added options will be visible in the Component section.
Step 6: Map the ‘Components’ to the ‘Excel Column’ according to the Excel sheet you prepared to be upload using the respective dropdowns.
Step 7: Once you select required details, click on the ‘Save Settings’ buttons. Upload Excel sheet in the ‘Import Template’ field, click on the ‘Upload File’ button and salary details will be updated in bulk.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Sample>Add/Select Setting name>select required details according to file to be uploaded>Employee Earning/Deductions-add the component>map components Excel column>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘Employee Master Import’ and download the ‘Sample Employee Master Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select ‘Category’ and ‘Setting’ or Add New setting as required. Also fill in other details in the respective fields according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: Map the ‘Component’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 5: One you selected all the required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. Upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import> Employee Master Import>Download Template>prepare sheet to be uploaded accordingly>Employee Master>fill in required details>map the components according to excel sheet>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘PopUpData Import’ and download the ‘Sample ‘PopUpData Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select ‘Setting Name’ or Add New setting as required. Also fill ‘Starting – Ending Row’ in the respective fields according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: Map the ‘Component’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 5: One you selected all the required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. Upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button. The pop-up data will be uploaded accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import> PopUpData Import>Download Template>prepare sheet to be uploaded accordingly>Setting Name>fill in required details>map the components according to excel sheet>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘Employee Amendment Import’ and download the ‘Sample Employee Amendment Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select Category and Setting Name or Add New setting. Also select Starting-Ending Row and Employee Code Column name according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: From the right side of the screen, click on the ‘Employee Master’ folder.
Step 5: Scroll down to click on the ‘Date of Birth’ option and it will be added under the 'Component’ section. Map the Components Birth’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 6:: Fill in other required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button. Employee details will be uploaded accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import>Employee Amendment Import>Download Template>Employee Master>select required fields and map the components according to excel sheet> fill in required details>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: ‘Select Import Template’ as ‘Approval Matrix Manager Import’ and from the upper right side of the screen click on the ‘Sample Approval Matrix Manager Import’. Then prepare the file to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: Select ‘Setting Name’ or Add New and fill in the other details in the respective fields.
Step 4: Map the ‘Components’ to the ‘Excel Column’ according to the Excel sheet to be uploaded, using the respective dropdowns.
Step 5: ‘Save Settings’, upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button. Approval matrix for the employees will be changed accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Import>Select Import Template - Approval Matrix Manager Import>download sample>Select Settings/Add New>Map Component>Save Settings>Import File>Upload
For any queries, contact
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Import’ submenu.
Step 2: Select Import Template as ‘SelfService Role Import’ and download the ‘Sample SelfService Role Import’ file to prepare the Excel sheet to be uploaded accordingly.
Step 3: ‘Select Setting’ or Add New setting as required. Also fill in other details in the respective fields according to the file prepared to be uploaded.
Step 4: Map the ‘Component’ to the ‘Excel Column’ using the respective dropdown.
Step 5: One you selected all the required details click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. Upload file in the ‘Import Template’ field and click on the ‘Upload File’ button.
Path: Cloud Portal> Employee>Import> SelfService Role Import >Download Template>prepare sheet to be uploaded accordingly>Select Settings>fill in required details>map the components according to excel sheet>Save Settings>Import Template>Upload File
For any queries, contact