
This page provides navigation to the FAQs related to the 'Dashboard' menu in the Cloud portal

1. How to reset the password of the admin login?

Step 1: Log in to the cloud portal, click on the ‘User’ at the top right-hand corner of the screen and select the ‘Change Password’ option from the dropdown.

Step 2: Enter your ‘Current password’, then enter ‘New Password’ and then ‘Confirm new password’ and click on the ‘Change password’ button. The password for the Admin login will be changed.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

2. Where I can get active employee count?

When you log into the cloud portal it takes you to the dashboard. You can get an active employee count on the dashboard. You can find the ‘Active Employees’ card as shown in the screenshot.

You can go to the ‘Analytics’ menu and select ‘Dashboard’ submenu. Alternatively, you can also click on the company logo at the upper-left-hand corner of the screen to reach the dashboard.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

Last updated