
This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to the 'Attendance' tab in the settings menu

1. How to map employee code and biometric data through manual entry?

Step 1: Log in to the Cloud portal and select the ‘Settings’.

Step 2: Under the ‘Attendance’ tab, select the ‘Employee Mapping’ Subtab.

Step 3: Select the device from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Unmapped’, update and click the ‘Save’ button.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

How to add device enrolment number?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu.

Step 2: Under the ‘Attendance’ tab click on the ‘Employee Mapping’ subtab and select the ‘Machine’ from the from the drop-down.

Step 3: Select the ‘Unmapped’ radio button and the list of unmapped employees will appear. Select checkbox for the employee and enter the device enrolment number in the respective field in the ‘Device Enroll No’ column & click on the ‘Save’ button.

The device enrolment number of the selected machine will be saved for the employee.

Note: You can select the ‘Update Past Logs’ checkbox if required.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

Last updated