
This page provides a step by step guide for FAQs related to the 'Payroll' tab in the settings menu

1. How do open gratuity settings?

Step 1: Log in to the cloud portal and click on the ‘Setting’ menu.

Step 2: Click on the payroll tab from the top row.

Step 3: Select ‘Pay Setting’ from the right-hand side menu and click on ‘Gratuity’ from the submenu.

Step 4: Fill in the details in the fields and click on the ‘Save’ button.

If you are unable to make the necessary changes in settings, kindly contact us at support@pockethrms.com

2. Facing some trouble with employee’s PF deductions

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and go to the ‘Settings’ menu. Under the ‘Payroll’ tab click on the ‘Salary Components’ subtab. Select the ‘Deductions’ option and then click on the ‘+’ icon.

Step 2: Enter the ‘Field Name’, as ‘PF Amount’ select ‘Behaviour’ as ‘Include Gross Deductions’ and click on the ‘Save’ Button.

Step 3: Again, in the ‘Settings’ menu, under the ‘Payroll’ tab, go to the ‘Salary Components’ subtab and click on the ‘Deduction Formula’ section.

Step 4: Scroll down to find the ‘PF Amount’ component, click on the 3 dots in front of it, select the ‘Edit’ option and a pop-up will open.

Step 5: From the ‘Direct or Percent’ drop-down select ‘Percent’.

Step 6: A few more fields will appear, fill in the values in the respective fields as given below.

  • From the ‘Rounding’ drop-down select ‘1 Rupee’

  • In the ‘Percent’ field enter the value as ‘12’

  • In the ‘Maximum’ field enter the value as ‘12’

  • From the ‘Earnings’ list select the ‘Earned Basic’

Click on the ‘Save’ Button.

Step 7: Next, go to the employee’s profile for whom you were facing issues with PF deductions. Click on the ‘Payroll’ tab and select ‘Monthly Input’ subtab. Select ‘Month’ and ‘Year’ then click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 8: Now, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Payroll’ tab click on the ‘Payroll Process’ subtab. Select ‘Month’, and ‘Year’. Tick the necessary checkboxes and click on the ‘Process Payroll’ button and payroll will be processed with the PF Deduction.

Step 9: To check PF deductions, go to the employee’s profile again, under the ‘Salary’ tab, click on the ‘Salary Details’ subtab, and here you can check ‘PF Deductions’.

For example,

PF calculation if EB (Earned Basic) is more than 15000

As this calculation was based on the salary which is more than ₹15000 hence PF is calculated as 15000*12/100 = ₹1800.

PF calculation if the EB (Earned Basic) is less than 15000

For this, you need to follow all the steps mentioned above for the payroll process, but only the PF amount will change & it will be calculated on Earned Basic (EB) 11500.

EB 11500 * 12/100 = PF Amount 1416 ₹.

Step 10: If you want to view or make changes in the PF settings you should go to the ‘Settings’ menu, under the ‘Payroll’ tab, select ‘Pay Settings’ and then select the ‘PF Setting’ option. You can make the desired changes here and click on the ‘Save’ button.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

3. Why is an employee unable to download a payslip?


If an employee is unable to download their payslip check for the following factors

a. Payroll is processed for the month

b. Payslip is configured

c. Payslip web post is done

Process the payroll first, and if the payroll is processed you can proceed to check the payslip configuration.

Step 1: To check Payroll configurations log in to the cloud portal and go to the ‘Settings’ menu. Under the ‘Payroll’ tab scroll down to the ‘Payslip’ subtab. Click on the ‘Edit’ radio button and in the ‘Configuration Number’ dropdown check if configuration is present.

Step 2: If there is no configuration for the payslip, you can click on the ‘Add’ radio button, enter the desired ‘Configuration Number’ and do the configurations according to requirements by using various tabs given below and click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 3: Next, check if the payslip web post is done. For that go to the ‘Employee’ menu, under the ‘Utilities’ click on the ‘Self Service Post’ option.

Step 4: Select the ‘Category’, ‘Month’ and click on the ‘Post’ button. Then employee will be able to download their payslip.

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

4. How to add or update employee payslip?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and go to the ‘Settings’ menu. Under the ‘Payroll’ tab click on the ‘Payslip’ subtab.

Step 2: If you want to make changes in the existing payslip configurations click on the ‘Edit’ radio button and select the ‘Configuration Number’ from the dropdown.

Step 3: Click on the various tabs such as, Category, Master, Earnings, Deductions, Match, Others, Footer Strings and F&F Logo/Dates to edit the respective values. Once you have done all the edits click on the ‘Save’ button and payslip configurations will be updated.

Step 4: To add new payslip configurations select the ‘Add’ radio button and enter the ‘Configuration Number’.

Step 5: Click on the various tabs such as, Category, Master, Earnings, Deductions, Match, Others, Footer Strings and F&F Logo/Dates to enter required values and click on the ‘Save’ button and payslip configurations will be saved.

Path: Cloud portal>Settings>Payroll>Payslip>ADD/Edit>select the required fields>Save.

Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=payroll&submodule=Payslip

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

5. How to set password for payslips?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Payroll’ tab click on the ‘Payslip’ subtab.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Edit’ radio button, select settings from the ‘Configuration Number’ dropdown and click on the ‘Others’ tab.

Step 3: Scroll down to the ‘Password Setting’ and select a combination option to set strong password. Select checkboxes for the sources from the ‘Password Applies On’ option.

Note: The password will be set on payslip if downloaded from the selected sources.

Step 4: After you selected the required settings scroll up and click on the ‘Save’ button. The password will be set for payslip accordingly.

Path: Cloud portal>Settings>Payroll>Payslip>edit>Configuration Number>Others>Password Settings>Password Applies On>Save

Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=payroll&submodule=Payslip

For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com

Last updated