
Leave configuration and reports

This page will help you configure leaves and transactions for accurate attendance management at the organization.

Also, you will learn how to generate/ download employee leave reports for payroll and HR. Given below are steps for the subject.


✔️ Admin credentials

✔️User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/ HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.

How to configure leaves and holidays?

Step 1: Go to 'Leave'

Step 2: Select 'Transaction' > 'Leave Entry/ Debit'. Now enter the employee code or name you want to view the details of.

Step 3: After the employee profile appears, proceed to the 'Leave' column. Here you can add or debit leaves by clicking on the '+' button as shown in the screenshot below.

Here you can also view their leave calendar, weekly offs, and holiday list in a click.

Step 4: Proceed to the 'Attendance' column for the configuration of employee attendance and shift details. To create a new shift for the employee, click on the '+' button as shown in the screenshot below.

From here, you can change and create new shifts, view their IN/OUT details, on duty, etc.

How to download report:

Step 1: Click on the star mark on the dashboard, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2: Follow Analytics > Reports

Step 3: Proceed to the 'Leave' column and select the required parameter you need the report of.

Step 4: Proceed to the 'Attendance' column and likewise select the required parameter for the report.

Note: If you are unable to configure leaves or generate attendance reports, kindly contact us at

Last updated