☑️Employee Confirmation

Process for the Manager for Employee Confirmation


The manager or supervisor of the employee is the one who assesses their performance and decides whether to confirm the employee or extend their probation period.

For employee confirmation, the system sends an email notification to the designated manager based on the notification settings.


✔ Admin credentials

✔ User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/ HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.

How to confirm an Employee?

Step 1: Log into the ESS portal and go to Confirm > Approval.

Step 2: Select the ‘Manager Approval’ tab.

Step 3: The employees pending for confirmation will be listed. Select the ‘Manager Status’ button.

Step 4: Enter the required details and select either the ‘Confirm’ or ‘Probation Extended’ option from the ‘Final Recommendation’ drop-down menu. In both cases, the system notifies the employee of the change in their employment status.

Step 5: Select the ‘Submit’ button to save the employee status.


Based on the approval matrix, the confirmation request may flow to the L2 manager for approval.

Note: If you are unable to perform the configuration, kindly contact us at support@pockethrms.com

Last updated