
Employee Timesheet Report

Using the ‘Employee Timesheet Report’ admin or HR can view the employee’s timesheet data and download it using filters. The reports are available in Excel format and can be downloaded according to Project, Task, Status, Client, and Date.

Process for Timesheet Management

It starts with the employee submitting a ‘Timesheet Entry’ through ‘Timesheet Request’. Their manager will receive the request and can approve or reject it accordingly. In case, there is no manager for the timesheet module, the entry will be auto-approved.

Path for Employee Report

ESS > TimeSheet -> EmployeeTimesheetReport > Employee TimeSheetReport

Multiple Filters Available to Download Timesheet Reports

  1. Project-Wise Hours Worked Report

  2. Project-Wise Employee Worked Report

  3. Employee-Wise Project Hours Worked Report

  4. Employee Wise Hours Worked Report

Also, Admin or HR is able to download All Employee ‘TimeSheetReport’ without any filter.

Here we are going to know about All Employee Timesheet Report in detail

All Employee Timesheet Report without any filter:

Here is the Timesheet report of employees where Admin or HR is able to see All Employee Timesheet Details including Project, Task, Status, Employee Details, Approver Name, and more.

You can see the Project details with respective Tasks and the total time required to complete that task. It also shows the Status of the task and the respective Approver Name.

  1. Project-Wise Hours Worked Report:

Using Project-wise Hours worked report Admin/HR can map data such as:

• Working hours taken by various projects

• Status of the respective project

  1. Project-Wise Employee Worked Report:

Using Project-wise Employee Worked Report Admin/HR can map the following data

• Various employees working on a particular project

• Working hours by respective employees

• Status of that project

  1. Employee-Wise Project Hours Worked Report:

Using the Employee wise project hours worked filter Admin/HR can track the employee tasks.

The Report gives brief information about

• The project that a particular employee is working on • Working hours spent on that particular project

  1. Employee Wise Hours Worked Report:

Using Employee Wise Hours Worked Report Admin/HR is able to see the data of employees with respect to their Working Hours which are entered by employees in the timesheet.

Note: If you are unable to view or approve the timesheet entries, kindly contact us at support@pockethrms.com

Last updated