Loan Configuration

Loan management and configuration


Pocket HRMS dashboard allows you to easily feed employee loan data and track throughout.

The dashboard allows you to delete or deviate loan anywhere amidst loan tenure. Below are steps to configure loan for employees.


✔️ Admin credentials

✔️User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/ HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.


How to allow Loan request for employees:

Step 1: Go to 'Settings'

Step 2: Select 'Payroll'

Step 3: Proceed to 'Salary Components' and select 'Deductions' from deduction details as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4: Find 'Loan Deduction' under the deductions column

Step 5: After selecting loan deduction, a page - Field Details & Behavior will open. Fill in the required details and check 'Installment' to allow or disallow loan requests.

After successfully filling in details, click on 'Save'.

How to add a new employee loan:

Step 1: Go to 'Employee'

Step 2: Follow 'Employee' > 'Employee List'

Step 3: Select your employee by clicking on their profile or 'Employee Filter' as shown below.

Step 4: Once the loan applicant's/ employee's profile opens, proceed to the 'Payroll' column.

Now, a page showing loan details will appear. Here you can add new details by clicking on '+' button as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 5: Fill in the details like loan date, apply year and date, loan amount, and number of installments. After you have entered all the required data, click on 'Save'.

Note: If you are unable to manage loans, kindly contact us at

Last updated