Step-by-step guide for the ‘User’ page on the cloud portal
On this page, you will find a guide for various features such as,
Creating a New User
Assign User Rights
Edit User Details
Change User Rights
Disable User
Enable User
Delete User
You will find a step-by-step guide for these functions is given below.
How to create a new user in the cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Users’ subtab. On this page you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: To create a new user, click on the ‘+’ icon from the upper right-hand side of the screen and a pop-up will open.
Step 3: Fill in the details in the respective fields such as the ‘Name’, ‘Email Id’, ‘Password’ and then ‘Confirm Password’. Also, select the company ‘Company Name’ for which you want to give access to the user and click on the ‘Create User’ button.
A new user will be created.
How to assign rights to the user in the cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Users’ subtab. On this page you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Find the user to whom you want to give rights and click on the ‘View User Rights’ button.
Step 3: Select all the checkboxes from the ‘Menu’ and the ‘Category’ list for which you want to provide rights to the user and click on the ‘Save’ button. The right to access the selected menu and category will be given to the user.
How to edit user details or change user access to companies?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Users’ subtab. On this page, you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Locate the user for whom you want to edit details and click on the ‘Edit Icon’.
Step 3: The ‘User’ pop-up will open where you can edit ‘Name’ in the respective field.
Under the ‘Company’ list you can,
Select the respective checkboxes to provide access.
Deselect the respective checkboxes to remove the access.
Click on the ‘Update User’ button and the changes will be saved accordingly.
How to edit/change user rights from the cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘Users’ subtab. On this page, you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Find the user for whom you change rights and click on the ‘View User Rights’ button.
Step 3: You will find various ‘Menus’ and ‘Categories’ listed here.
Select the respective checkboxes to provide access.
Deselect the respective checkboxes to remove the access.
Click on the ‘Save’ button and the rights or access will be changed for the user accordingly.
Note: You need to keep at least one category and one menu selected to save the changes.
How to disable user from the cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘User’ subtab. On this page, you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Locate the user to whom you want to disable and click on the ‘Disable User’ button.
Step 3: The system will ask you for confirmation, click on the ‘Ok’ button and the user will be disabled. The user will not be able to login with their respective credential anymore.
Note: Once the user is disabled it will be still visible in the user’s list and the system will show the ‘Enable User’ button for them.
How to enable user from the cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘User’ subtab. On this page, you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Locate the disabled user to whom want to enable and click on the ‘Enable User’ button.
Step 3: the system will ask you for confirmation, click on the ‘Ok’ button and the user will be enabled. The user will be able to log in with their respective credential.
How to delete a user from cloud portal?
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Organization’ tab click on the ‘User’ subtab. On this page, you will see the list of existing users.
Step 2: Locate the employee user whom you want to delete and click on the ‘Delete Icon’.
Step 3: the system will ask you for confirmation, click on the ‘Ok’ button and the user will be deleted.
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