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Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Leave’ menu and click on the ‘Utilities’ submenu and select the ‘Comp off Credit’ option.
Alternatively, you can go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘CompOff Credit’ subtab.
Step 2: Select the ‘Category’, ‘Date’ range and click on the view button. List of eligible comp offs will appear below category list.
Step 3: Select the checkboxes for the ‘Comp Off’ and the ‘Day Type’ for the respective entries. You can also select the checkbox for ‘Comp Off’ column to select all the entries in the list.
Step 3: Click on the ‘Save’ button and the comp offs will be credited to the employees accordingly.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
If the leave balance of the new employee is not updated according to the configurations, please check if the leave credit is updated for the employee’s probation.
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Leave Credit’ subtab.
On this page, you can check if leave credit is updated for the employee in the probation.
Step 2: Make the desired changes in the leave credit settings along with the configurations for the probation period and scroll down to click on the ‘Save’ button. The leave credit balance for the new joiner or employee will be reflected accordingly.
Path: Cloud portal>Settings>Leave>Leave Credit>make the required changes>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=leave&submodule=leavecreditmonthly
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Analytics’ menu and click on the ‘Reports’ submenu.
Step 2: Under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Report Wizards’ subtab and select ‘Category’.
Step 3: From the ‘Type of Leave Report’ dropdown select the leave type option such as, opening, used and click on the ‘Download PDF’ or ‘Download Excel’ button to get the leave balance report in the respective format.
Note: If you want to download leave balance report for individual employee select them from ‘Employee Code’ field or else leave the field vacant.
Path: Cloud Portal>Analytics>Reports>Leave>Report Wizard>select details>select ‘Type of Leave Report’ as ‘Balance’>Download PDF/Excel
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Reports/Report/Index?module=leave&submodule=ReportWizard
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
You need to ensure 3 things to enable face recognition for employees in the ESS portal or mobile app.
1) Check if the employee has given the self-service role
2) Please check if the role allocation done for the employee set with self-service role
3) Please if the punch is activated for the employee under ESS Settings
Assign Self-service Role
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Employee List>select employee>Profile>Self Service Role>Role>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Employee/employee/Profile?employeeID=11966&module=profile&empstatus=1
Allocate Role
Path: Cloud Portal>ESS Settings>Profile Info>Role Allocation>Select Module>Select Role>Search>select options and the list of features>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/ESSIndex?module=Profile&submodule=RoleAllocation
Activate punch
Path: Cloud portal>ESS Settings>Leave>Activate Punch>select employee>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/ESSIndex?module=Leave&submodule=ActivatePunch
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
A. Check if the Leave Opening Credit is done for the employee
B. Credit the comp off to employee
Step 2: Select ‘Category’ and ‘Leave’ as ‘Compensatory Off’ option and click on the ‘View’ button.
Step 3: Select ‘Use Credit’ checkbox for the employee to whom you want to credit comp-off and click on the ‘Save’ button.
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Leave’ menu and click on the ‘Utilities’ submenu and select the ‘Comp off Credit’ option.
Alternatively, you can go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Comp Off Credit’ subtab.
Step 2: Select the ‘Category’, ‘Date’ range and click on the view button. List of eligible comp offs will appear below category list.
Step 3: Select the checkboxes for the ‘Comp Off’ and the ‘Day Type’ for the respective entries. You can also select the checkbox for ‘Comp Off’ column to select all the entries in the list.
Step 4: Click on the ‘Save’ button and the comp offs will be credited to the employee accordingly.
Cloud Portal>Leave>Transaction>Leave Opening> Category>Leave-Compensatory Off>View>select checkbox for ‘Use Credit’>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Leave/Setting/LeaveOpening
Cloud>Settings> Leave>Comp-off Credit>fill in details>View>select ‘Comp Off’ checkbox>Day Type>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=leave&submodule=compoffcredit
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
To approve a compensatory off (comp-off) leave, please ensure that the following steps are followed:
1) Check the manager assigned to employee to approve leave
2) Check manager self-service role assigned as manager
3) Check the manager role allocation to approve leave
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
For any queries, connect with our agent on chat.
In case the manager does not get an email when an employee requests a leave, please check the following factors.
· The SMTP settings are enabled
· Email ID in manager’s profile is updated
· In the employee’s profile, under the approval matrix the manager is assigned for leave module.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Once uploaded the data cannot be deleted. You can go to employee profile individually and delete the leaves credited.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
If you want to add or change a festival for a particular location, check the following factors
Check that holidays are updated cost-wise
Cost-centre location is added in pop-up data
Cost centre data is updated in employee profile
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Define Calendar’ subtab. Click on the ‘Edit Icon’ for the default financial year.
Step 2: In the option ‘Holiday Settings Entry will be’ option is set by ‘Cost Centre’ wise, or you can use the dropdown to set it by ‘Cost Centre’ and click on the ‘Save’ button.
Path: Settings>Leave>Define Calendar>Edit>(b) Holiday Settings Entry will be (Cost Centre Wise)>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=leave&submodule=leavefinancialsetting
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log in to cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under the ‘HR’ tab, click on the ‘Pop Up Data’ subtab.
Step 2: ‘Select Component’ as ‘Cost Centre’ and the list of all the added cost centre or locations will appear.
Path: Cloud portal>Settings>HR>Pop Up Data>Select Component-Cost Centre
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=hr&submodule=popup
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Employee List’ submenu.
Step 2: Select the employee for whom you want to check or change if the cost centre is updated and system will take you to their profile.
Step 3: Under the ‘Profile’ tab click on the ‘Basic Detail’ subtab. Find the ‘Cost Centre’ field you can edit the location as required and click on the ‘Save’ button. The cost centre location will be saved for the employee.
Path: Cloud portal>Employee>Employee Profile>Profile>Basic Detail>select required location in the ‘Cost Centre’ field>Save
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and under ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Holiday’ subtab.
Step 2: Select the ‘Cost Centre’ from the drop down and click on the ‘+’ icon towards the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Select Date, Description and choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for the ‘Restricted/Option Holiday’ option as required and click on the ‘Save’ button.
Note: You can update holiday only for the default financial year. Path: Cloud Portal>> Settings >>Leave>>Holiday>select Cost Centre>click ‘+’ Icon>Select Date>Description>If want the restricted/optional holiday (Yes)/if not select(no)>Save
Link: https://cloud.pockethrms.com/Settings/Employee/Index?module=leave&submodule=holiday
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
To update the holidays for any year you need to follow the steps below.
Define Leave Calendar in the system
The holidays can only be updated for the default year. So, you need to set the year for which you want to add holiday as a default year
To add holidays for the upcoming year, you must follow the leave year transfer process.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
The intimation mail keeps the concerned person informed about any requests for permission/leave/On duty/regularization by the employees. You can add an email ID on which the notifications will be sent.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Employee’ menu and click on the ‘Employee List’ submenu.
Step 2: Select the employee for whom you want to cancel the leave and system will take you to their profile.
Step 3: Under the ‘Leave’ tab click on the ‘Leave Entries’ subtab.
Step 4: Scroll down to the list of leave entries and click on the ‘Delete Icon’ for the respective leave entry. The leave will be cancelled and the leave balance will be revoked accordingly.
Path: Cloud Portal>Employee>Employee List>Leave>Leave Entries>scroll down to leave entries>click on the ‘Delete Icon’ for the respective leave entry
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
General leave settings from cloud portal
Path: Cloud>Leave>Import, Transaction, Utilities
General leave settings in cloud portal
Path: Cloud>Settings>Leave
3) Leave settings for ESS from cloud portal
Path: Cloud Portal>ESS Settings>Leave
4) Leave menu from ESS portal
Path: ESS Portal>Leave Menu
Here you can request leave, check previous leaves & check leave report.
For any queries, contact support@pockethrms.com
Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Leave’ menu and under the ‘Transaction’ submenu, click on the ‘Leave Opening’ option.