Payroll with Attendance

This page provides a step-by-step guide for processing payroll with attendance

How to Process Payroll with Attendance?

Following are a few stages to process payroll with the attendance.

  1. Process Attendance

  2. Time Consolidation

  3. Payroll Posting

  4. Monthly input Modification

  5. Process Payroll

  6. Salary Report

  7. Post Payslip

Below you will find a step-by-step guide for all the entire payroll process.

Process Attendance

In this stage, we validate attendance for the payroll month.

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal, go to the ‘Attendance’ menu click on the ‘Utilities’ submenu and select the ‘In Out Import’ option.

Step 2: Select the ‘Category’ and attendance cycle ‘Date’ range from the respective fields and click on the ‘Import’ button. The in-out import will be done accordingly.

Time Consolidation

In this process consolidate attendance according to all the attendance and leave rules.

Step 1: Go to the ‘Attendance’ menu, click on the ‘Transaction’ submenu and select the ‘Time Consolidation All’ option.

Step 2: Select the ‘Category’ and ‘Month-Year’ and click on the ‘Process’ button. The time consolidation will run in the background.

Step 3: Click on the bell icon at the upper right-hand corner of the screen to check the status of the time consolidation process. (There is no Excel sheet for the time consolidation).

Note: Don’t refresh the page & don’t move to the next stage (Payroll Posting) until the time consolidation process is completed.

Payroll Posting

After time consolidation is completed we move to the payroll posting process. In this process, the leave and attendance details are posted in the monthly input for the employees.

Step 1: Go to the ‘Attendance’ menu click on the ‘Utilities’ submenu and select the ‘Payroll Posting’ option.

Step 2: Select the ‘Category’, ‘Month’, and ‘Year’ and click on the ‘Post’ button.

Step 3: The system will ask you for confirmation, click on the ‘Ok’ button and payroll posting will be done.

Step 4: Select ‘Month-Year’ and click on the ‘Excel View’ button to check the details of monthly inputs in an Excel file.

Step 5: You can also click on the ‘Download Icon’ for the respective file from the right side of the screen and the file will be downloaded.

Monthly input Modification

At this stage, you can manually enter the required monthly inputs.

Step 1: Go to the ‘Payroll’ menu, click on the ‘Transaction’ submenu and select the ‘Monthly Input’ option.

Step 2: Select ‘Category’ for whom you want to enter monthly input, select ‘Month’, and ‘Year’ in the respective fields and click on the ‘Edit’ button.

Step 3: In the table below, you can enter the monthly input in the respective fields as required and click on the ‘Save’ button and the monthly input will be saved.

Process Payroll

Once you save all the monthly input we can go ahead to process the payroll.

Step 1: Go to the ‘Payroll’ menu, click on the ‘Utility’ submenu and select the ‘SmHRt Payroll’ option.

Step 2: Click on the ‘All Employee’ tab to process payroll for all the employees. Select ‘Month’, click on the ‘Process’ button and the payroll will be processed accordingly.


  • Click on the ‘Employee Wise’ tab to select individual employees, to process payroll for a single employee or multiple employees.

  • Select the ‘Selective Employees’ tab to process payroll according to various employee categories.

  • Click on the ‘All Employees’ tab to process payroll for all the employees.

  • Select the checkbox for ‘With Income Tax Process’ to process payroll with income tax.

  • If you want to process payroll with employee income tax proof you can select the checkbox for the ‘Proof Wise’ option.

Salary Report

To get the payroll details in the salary register report, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Go to the ‘Analytics’ menu and click on the ‘Data Wizard’ submenu

Step 2: Select Settings as ‘Salary Register’ and click the radio button for the ‘Monthly Report’ option. Select the ‘Detail Report’, and ‘Employee Status’ from the respective fields as required. Then select ‘From Month-Year’ and click on the ‘Download’ button.

The salary register will be downloaded and you can validate payroll details from it.

Post Payslip

Step 1: Go to the ‘Payroll’ menu, click on the ‘Utilities’ submenu and click on the ‘Self Service Post’ option.

Step 2: Select the ‘Category’, ‘Month’ and ‘Year’ as required and click on the ‘Post’ button. The payslips will be posted on the ESS portal and employee will be able to download their payslips.

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Last updated