
Questions Related to Attendance


This page provides step-by-step answers to the FAQs related to the Attendance Module.


​✔ Admin credentials

​✔ User rights

Note - Kindly contact your Admin/HR for rights if you are not able to perform the steps below.


How to import ‘In and Out’ details for an employee?

Step 1: Log into the cloud portal and click on the ‘Attendance’ menu.

Step 2: Select the ‘Utilities’ tab and then the ‘In Out Import’ subtab.

Step 3: ‘Select the Employee’ you want to change shift for as well as the date range. Choose the necessary options and click on ‘Import’. The Shift changes will be reflected in employees in the ‘In and Out Core Details’ in the ESS.

Note: If you are unable to make changes related to Attendance Module, kindly contact us at

Last updated