Set Strong Password

This is a step by step guide for HR to set strong ESS passwords for employees

How to set a strong password for the ESS portal from the admin portal?

You can set strong passwords for your employees from the admin portal with a few easy steps. The following steps can be used to generate the initial password for employees as well as reset their passwords in future.

Once you log in to the admin portal with your admin credentials go to the ‘Settings’ menu from the left side of the screen.

Click under the ‘HR’ tab, and click on the ‘Generate Password’ subtab.

Here you can enter an 'Employee Code' if wish to reset the password for an individual employee. By selecting the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ radio buttons you can also choose whether you want to overwrite the existing password.

You can also select employee categories by checking the respective boxes to reset passwords for the entire employee Category.

You can select the desired option from the multiple strong password generation methods listed below the ‘Password Settings’. Click on the ‘Check for Send Mail’ box to notify your employees about the password via email.

Once you make all the settings to reset a strong password click on the ‘Save Settings’ button. The system will reset the ESS portal’s password for your employees according to selected configurations.

You will get the notification about the selected changes and your employees will receive an email notifying them about the password reset.

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